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CISTI2022 - 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Impacto de La Computación Cuántica En Las Tecnologías Actuales

Quantum computing has become a hotly discussed topic in both industry and academia, this technology is receiving a lot of attention and financial support from both governments and companies. What is sought is to build a quantum computer capable of being used in different practical applications, which would constitute a feat that would mark the beginning of a new era, the quantum era. Thanks to scientists and researchers we can get an idea of ​​the beneficial impact of quantum computing on the technologies we use and the future applications that could be developed. In this article, I describe my vision of the impact of this technology both now and in the future.

Edison Filomeno Malla Zambrano
Instituto Superior Tecnológico "Daniel Alvarez Burneo"

Stiward Vicente Dominguez Ruiz
Instituto Superior Tecnológico "Daniel Alvarez Burneo"

Byron Fabricio Alulima Minga
Instituto Superior Tecnológico "Daniel Alvarez Burneo"

Javier Danny Cacay Soto
Instituto Superior Tecnológico "Daniel Alvarez Burneo"


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